Share Your News

Talk to us! Tell us about new jobs, relocations, marriages and unions, births and adoptions, retirements, honors, and other significant events in your professional and personal life. We want to hear from our alumni. We will post your notes on our website and may include them in one or more of our alumni magazines

The Fine Print - 

  • Please provide full details (i.e. who, what, where, and when) in your note, especially your class year and the names of fellow alumni in photos
  • All news should be verifiable and appropriate for publication
  • Also-
    For weddings, please include your spouse's name, date and location, any Alumni attendees, and class years if applicable.
    For the birth of a baby, please include the child's name and birthdate, siblings.
    For a career move or business venture, please include your title and the company name and location.
    For a higher education accomplishment, please include the specific degree and college/university.
    For an award or honor, please include the specific name and sponsoring organization.